Central Ohio Symphony

smartphone 740 - 362 - 1799

Know before you go

What should I wear?
Symphony concerts are a generally casual affair, so you can wear whatever makes you feel most comfortable. Business casual is a general norm, and many patrons wear jeans.
Are children welcome?
Children are welcome at all Central Ohio Symphony concerts! Some concerts, particularly our holiday-themed programs, are designed with kids in mind. Especially at subscription concerts, children should be prepared to stay quiet and refrain from talking during the music out of respect for the other patrons.
When should I arrive?
Symphony concerts start on time, and it takes a few minutes to walk from the parking lot to the venue. Generally, it's good to show up 15-30 minutes before the advertised beginning of the show. You can use any extra time you have to read the program and learn about the music and artists.
Where should I park?
Our subscription concerts are at Gray Chapel on Ohio Wesleyan University's campus. Parking is free in all OWU lots as well as on Sandusky St. A free shuttle service provided by SourcePoint runs between Gray Chapel, the lot on Henry St. by Phillips Hall, and the Selby Field lot.
How long does a concert last?
Concert durations are variable depending on the music selected for the program. On average, most concerts tend to last about two hours, with a twenty-minute intermission.
What happens if I'm running late?
You may enter the concert late during applause breaks between pieces. Most concerts begin with a shorter work, so you'll still hear most of the program.
Are snacks or beverages available?
Food and beverage are not available during the concerts. However, all of downtown Delaware is walking-distance from Gray Chapel. We strongly recommend you visit our friends and neighbors for dinner, dessert, or drinks before or after the concert.
When is it appropriate to applaud?
Traditionally, at classical music concerts, audiences clap after entire pieces have concluded. Some pieces might have multiple large sections (called movements) with pauses between them, and audiences tend not to applaud during these pauses.
What is a subscription?
Patrons can purchase tickets to all five of our major concerts in a season at a discounted rate. This "subscription" package gives patrons access to the best seats at the best prices, and also helps the Symphony to know how many tickets are sold well in advance of a concert.
Do I need to know about the music before the concert?
Music can be enjoyed at many different levels, and all are equally valid. If you want to know more about the music, a program book is distributed at every concert with a brief explanation of the music so you can listen for specific elements.
What does an unfamiliar word in the program mean?
A large work for full orchestra, usually in four movements.
A piece featuring a soloist with the orchestra as accompaniment, usually in three movements.
A musical exploration of a topic or theme, in which each movement represents a different aspect of that theme.
A large section of a piece of music, which can be excerpted from the rest of the work. Often movements are separated by short silences, during which audiences do not applaud. Movements are typically listed on the program after the piece title.
The writer of a piece of music.
Often, music is written for a different collection of instruments than the artists who are performing it. The arranger is the person who translated the original material to make it fit the ensemble performing.