Central Ohio Symphony

smartphone 740 - 362 - 1799


  • Hector Berlioz
    Roman Carnival Overture 1843
  • Claude Debussy
    Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun 1894
  • Linda Kernohan
    Theremin Concerto 2024
    Caroline Scruggs, theremin
  • Claude Debussy
    La Mer 1905
    1. De l'aube à midi sur la mer (From dawn to noon on the sea)
    2. Jeux de vagues (Play of the Waves)
    3. Dialogue du vent et de la mer (Dialogue of the wind and the sea)

The French Perspective

Make sure to mark your calendar for the Central Ohio Symphony's November concert! You won't want to miss Caroline Scruggs's amazing world premier performance on the theremin. Her exceptional skills on this unique instrument impressed our audience in the summer of 2022 and gained over 2 million views on Instagram! She will be performing an extended version of the original concerto by Linda Kernohan. The program will also feature Berlioz's thrilling Carnival Overture, Debussy's Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun, and his dramatic depiction of the sea, La Mer.