Central Ohio Symphony

smartphone 740 - 362 - 1799

Website Ads

Advertising on our website is offered on a season-long basis: ads go up in October and last through the next summer. We offer three levels of advertising:

Ad type Ad description Price with program ad Price
Logo & Link On the detail page for each concert $1,000 $1,200
Offer or Ad & Link On the community partners page $500 $600
Text Link On the detail page for each concert $250 $300

Program Ads

Advertising in our program is a great way to reach our patrons. Approximately 4,000 people attend the symphony throughout the season, and each receives a printed program. Each ad appears in the programs for every concert, all season!

Ad type Size & color Concert tickets Price
Back cover 8.5" tall x 5.5" wide (full-bleed), color 2 tickets $1,500
Inside cover 8.5" tall x 5.5" wide (full-bleed), color 2 tickets $1,000
Full page 7.5" tall x 5" wide, black & white 2 tickets $750
Half page 3.875" tall x 5" wide, black & white $500
Quarter page 3.875" tall x 2.375" wide, black & white $250
Call the office at (740) 362-1799 to discuss your advertising and sponsorship options!